One potential side effect of pregnancy no one warns you about is facial hair. The same pregnancy hormones that give us that beautiful, lush head of hair also causes hairs to sprout in unexpected places like your face, belly, and nipples. What likely started as soft, thin hairs on your upper lip suddenly turns into what can only be described as a sparse goatee. While the issue alleviates somewhat about 6 months postnatal, it occurs at a time when our skin is especially sensitive.
Facial shaving for women is experiencing a major resurrection thanks to the recent popularity of dermaplaning and raves from numerous vloggers who are open about shaving their faces. I was always taught that as women, shaving your face is a total taboo, but other options like waxing and tweezing can be time-consuming and expensive.
I was skeptical at first but it works! The hair doesn’t come back thicker or fuller and this has become my go-to when I’m in a hurry but haven’t had an opportunity to tweeze.
Super fast compared to waxing or tweezing.
Cheaper. Razors cost about $1 each.
Softer skin with smoother makeup appearance.
Requires more frequent maintenance.
Can cause some slight irritation.
I used the Noxzema Eyebrow Shapers and the popular Tinkle Eyebrow Razors. I prefer the Noxema Eyebrow Shapers. The smaller size is better for navigating the curvy planes of the face. Also, because they are fulfilled by Amazon, you won’t have to pay extra shipping for the Noxzema Eyebrow Shapers.
can relate!!! 🙂