I always poke fun at my mom, because as she gets older her clothes seem to literally get brighter! She loves color, which is great, she wears it well. Recently though I have become all too aware that I have fallen for bright colors, and I am in no way close to my mom’s age. At first, I resisted. I refused to invest in anything that would allow me to be a reflector at night, specially since I don’t ride a bicycle. But I found it oh so damn hard to resist this highlighter yellow mullet dress. I had to wait until I got some sun as it would only look good against my bronzed skin. Then came the neon pink chiffon birthday dress and the matching clutch and of course the endless array of nail polish. I think we all get my drift – I love NEON! So it is with so much excitement that I meet the incoming fall collections, as they also reflect some love for my favorite brights! Do you Neon?